Is Your Life Being Affected by Childhood Trauma?

aces test

Even if you do not remember everything that happened as a child, your childhood can still greatly influence you as an adult. Problematic experiences like abuse, poverty, or bullying can make it harder to connect with others or care for yourself. If you have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), it is important to recognize and address the problem. They have a huge impact on a person’s overall health and wellbeing, but the right care can help you overcome them.

Understanding How ACES Tests Work

Most adverse childhood experience tests revolve around the landmark ACEs study from 1997. This study involved healthcare professionals carefully examining over 17,000 patients. It found ways to identify and classify situations that can lead to trauma in children. Furthermore, this research found that adverse childhood experiences may increase the risks of the following:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Unintended pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Educational and career challenges

The types of ACEs found by the study are divided into three categories: abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. Abuse is often one of the most obvious forms of trauma during childhood. It can take the form of outright physical and sexual abuse, or it can be emotional abuse. A complete lack of attention can also be a source of trauma. Children whose emotional or physical health needs are ignored often struggle later in life.

dbt vs cbt

The final category, household dysfunction, encompasses a wide range of problematic experiences in a child’s household. Even simple dysfunction like a divorce can become an adverse childhood experience. Other things like witnessing domestic violence or having a caregiver or sibling with a mental illness can also lead to difficulties.

The ACEs study has been used to develop questionnaires that can be useful for identifying certain childhood challenges. A high ACEs score does not necessarily mean a person will do poorly in life, but it does mean that a person will have to overcome extra challenges.

Generally, those with higher ACE scores can benefit from extra support from a mental health professional. They are often more prone to things like mental illness and substance abuse disorders that may require focused care. Even those with a seemingly successful life often have a lot of stress and anxiety, and therapy can help them cope with it better.

What’s My ACEs Score?

So by now, you are probably asking, “what’s my ACEs score?” The full ACEs questionnaire can be found on the CDC’s website, but it is a bit lengthy for a quick assessment. Whether or not you have had ACEs can more quickly be predicted with a basic quiz that focuses on the main questionnaire categories.

Think back to your childhood and ask yourself the following questions in the self-assessment below.

DISCLAIMER: This test is not intended as a formal diagnostic tool, but rather an indication that you may need help. If the following quiz prompts any vulnerabilities or concerns, please contact a trained professional.

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Keep in mind that a score of 0 on your adverse childhood experiences test does not mean you are perfectly fine. Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child explains that the base ACE questionnaire does not cover things like natural disasters, racial discrimination, or other potential adverse trauma. If you feel anything from your child is distressing you, you should go ahead and seek assistance regardless of your ACE score.

Hope for Survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences

If your adverse childhood experiences test results in a concerning outcome, Mission Harbor Behavioral Health is here to help. Our mental health treatment programs are carefully designed to promote real and lasting recovery.

You and your loved ones can count on us for compassionate and effective therapy in a partial hospitalization or outpatient setting. We have plenty of experience handling both traumas from childhood and all the substance use disorders, anxiety, depression, and other challenges that may occur due to ACEs.

Your childhood does not have to keep you from living a happy and fulfilling life. Contact us today to get help overcoming childhood trauma.

The facilities at Mission Harbor are staffed with trained experts to best assist patients with their mental health issues. We are capable of dealing with any and all cases with a licensed staff, equipment, and approved techniques. Our mission is to help those who want to help themselves, and we support your decision in seeking help.

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