Adderall Addiction Signs and Treatment Options

Adderall Addiction Treatment

Addiction is no laughing matter and affects millions of individuals and adolescents alike each year worldwide. Individuals who become addicted to high-risk substances such as opiates and prescription medications have a much greater chance of overdose and death, which is why it is imperative to know how to spot the signs of addiction whenever they are present.

What is Adderall?

Adderall is a prescription medication used by therapists and medical doctors in the treatment of patients who are currently diagnosed with and suffering from ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The drug itself is a combination of both dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, which are stimulants responsible for helping the release of dopamine as well as norepinephrine. When used correctly and with a properly diagnosed patient, Adderall helps to reduce impulsivity in the brain while increasing dopamine, thus helping an individual to better focus and concentrate on tasks-at-hand.

Unfortunately, many teenagers and adults alike have turned to abusing and overusing Adderall. When Adderall is used on an individual who does not struggle with ADHD or neuropathway deficiencies, it triggers a euphoric or “high” in the brain and body. An individual who uses Adderall for the euphoric effects is not likely receiving any medicinal or ADHD benefit from the drug, and may quickly become dependent on seeking out the euphoria and high from the substance itself.

Prescription Adderall Statistics

In a study completed by Johns Hopkins, the use of Adderall skyrocketed by 67% between just 2006 and 2011 alone. Emergency room visits also skyrocketed more than 150%. The study also discovered a troubling issue–many individuals who were abusing Adderall were doing so with prescriptions that were not in their own names. The rise of Adderall and amphetamine abuse is one that has become an epidemic throughout the US and other Western countries, often due to increasing pressure and social isolation. Seeking Adderall addiction treatment is highly advisable to prevent further destructive habits and addictions from developing.

Why is it Hard to Spot the Signs of Adderall Addiction?

Spotting the signs of Adderall addiction is possible by observing the individual you believe may be struggling with an addiction to taking note of physical, behavioral, and any lifestyle changes that are taking place. However, if an individual has developed a tolerance and level of comfort when using Adderall, they are less likely to show obvious signs of addiction and dependency. Some signs of Adderall misuse and abuse may include:

  • Using or attempting to use another individual’s prescription of Adderall (with or without their permission)
  • Consuming or using Adderall in various methods (snorting, injecting, crushing pills)
  • Increasing dosage without a proper prescription from a doctor or medical professional
  • Using Adderall in order to achieve feelings of euphoria or to get “high”
long term effects

There are some warning signs and symptoms to watch for if you believe you or a loved one is struggling with a dependency and/or addiction to Adderall, such as:

  • An increase in irritability and mood swings is extremely common among those with an addiction to Adderall and other amphetamine-centric substances
  • An increase in paranoia and suspicious behavior is likely, especially with more serious and severe addictions to amphetamines and substances such as Adderall
  • Irregular heartbeats and palpitations
  • Lack of an appetite, constipation, and other digestive issues may be prevalent
  • An intense and nearly unbearable craving for Adderall may occur among those who are struggling with extreme and serious dependencies and addictions
  • An increase of risky behavior in order to obtain and consume the substance is not uncommon
  • The inability to stop on your own and without intervention or help from others is a sign of a serious addiction that may require Adderall addiction treatment

How Does an Adderall Addiction Progress?

Addiction can occur in anyone’s life, even if you have always considered yourself a strong-willed individual. An addiction to any substance may begin innocently enough. Those who have been prescribed Adderall incorrectly or improperly are much more likely to become addicted to the euphoric effects or “high” they feel when taking their Adderall.

For individuals who struggle with ADHD signs and symptoms, taking Adderall may provide legitimate relief. However, if you are using Adderall in order to escape feelings of negativity or other negative aspects of your life, you may begin to ask yourself am I addicted to Adderall.

It is important to remember that there is no shame in admitting that you are struggling with an addiction. Strength comes from honesty and having the ability to face hard truths, even when they involve yourself, your own actions, and your own struggles. When you are honest and open about your Adderall usage and habits, it is much easier to seek the proper help and treatment from a rehab program or treatment facility that is right for you.

How Can Treatment Help With an Adderall Addiction?

If you are wondering am I addicted to Adderall and you believe you have become dependent on the substance, seeking help from a Southern California rehab center or treatment facility is highly recommended. Treatment centers provide a safe and zero-tolerance environment to help explore alternative avenues to using drugs, alcohol, and even prescription medications such as Adderall.

With the right rehab treatment center, learn how to discuss your addiction, emotions, and feeling of temptation with individual therapy as well as group counseling sessions. Spend time working with addiction specialists and medical professionals who specialize in facing and overcoming addiction to truly free yourself from any Adderall addiction, regardless of the severity.

Adderall addiction treatment comes in the form of both inpatient as well as outpatient programs, depending on the severity of your addiction as well as your personal needs for a complete and total recovery. Mission Harbor, a Southern California outpatient rehab center with programs in Santa Barbara and other nearby areas, can help you with highly specialized and individualized care and treatment that is ideal for you.

The facilities at Mission Harbor are staffed with trained experts to best assist patients with their mental health issues. We are capable of dealing with any and all cases with a licensed staff, equipment, and approved techniques. Our mission is to help those who want to help themselves, and we support your decision in seeking help.

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