An estimated 10% of all U.S. children live with a parent who has an alcohol or drug addiction problem. One out of every eight adults struggle with both alcohol and drug addiction issues, and addiction issues are thought to cost the economy up to 740 billion dollars a year in lost productivity, healthcare expenses, and crime-related costs. This statistic does not even begin to cover the costs, both financial and otherwise, put on the families of those struggling with addiction.
Children of parents with substance use disorders can experience emotional pain and trauma and also struggle in school. For parents and guardians struggling with drug addiction, it is critical that they receive treatment that will meet their needs and circumstances. Many parents and guardians of minor children may fear losing custody of their children if they enter rehab, but this doesn’t have to occur. There are childcare options available, and many rehab centers will work with parents to ensure they can continue living at home and caring for their children if they need to attend a substance abuse treatment program.
Can parents who go to rehab lose custody of their children?
Single parents who do not have another trusted adult to care for their children if they go to inpatient rehab or a residential treatment program may fear the risk of losing custody. If no one is designated to care for the children while a parent is away, child services can step in and take custody of the children.
According to the federal government, four in ten children in foster care have a parent with substance use disorder. But even if a child must go into foster care for a period while parents get the treatment they need, that does not mean the parents will lose custody permanently. Child services work to ultimately reunite parents with their children and to keep the family unit intact.
Entering a rehabilitation program also demonstrates to child services that a parent is responsible enough to maintain custody. The unfortunate reality of untreated drug addiction, however, is that many parents are arrested for a drug-related offense. Having children placed in foster care often happens to single parents without a relative to care for the children if the custodial parent is arrested. Committing to a rehab program in a court-ordered situation also indicates that a parent is serious about retaining custody of their children after they complete treatment.
Custody issues surrounding drug addiction and rehab is also a significant part of divorce proceedings. The family court authorities will assess both parents and their situations to determine who is a better fit for primary custody of minor children. Evidence of addiction issues on the part of one or both parents can severely impact visitation rights and custody issues. But parents who complete rehab and demonstrate sobriety can be reunited with their children or awarded more generous custody allowances after treatment.
Why is rehab and addiction treatment beneficial for children?
The benefits of achieving and maintaining sobriety on the part of the parent or guardian are manifold. But a parent’s rehab attendance and completion can significantly benefit their children. Temporary separation from children is a painful experience, but it is impossible to properly care for and nurture children when a parent is in the grip of an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Continuing to abuse drugs also directly harms the children.
They observe and learn about alcohol or drug abuse, which is traumatizing and also increases their risk of becoming addicted as they get older. A parent impaired by drugs or alcohol is likely to make poor decisions. For example, they may drive drunk or high with children in the vehicle. Or they may leave drugs out in the presence of children, who can ingest them and poison themselves. Attending rehab gives parents the tools they need to care for themselves and others properly. Achieving sobriety also keeps children safe and will help strengthen the family’s relationships.

Is losing custody inevitable when a parent attends rehab?
No, parents can retain custody in certain situations. If the children can be left to the care of a responsible adult or guardian, the parent who attends rehab can retain primary custody of the children while they receive treatment. It is also possible to participate in flexible outpatient rehab services that allow patients to attend rehab programs while the children are in school or daycare. Parents can return home in the evening and continue living at home with their families. Some rehab centers also offer childcare for parents who do not have other family members who can watch the children, or if the children are too young to attend school.
What are a parent’s childcare options if they go to rehab?
- Spouse
- Trusted Family Member
- Trusted Family Friend
- Daycare
- On-site Daycare at the Rehab Center
If parents don’t have family, friends, or daycare options for their children while they attend rehab, there are a few other non-governmental options besides temporary foster care. One non-governmental and volunteer-based organization that offers temporary care for children is Safe Families for Children. This organization helps to find temporary housing for children when their parents are unable to care for them. The program has strict guidelines and screening requirements for volunteer families. Using a program like Safe Families for Children allows parents to maintain legal custody of their children while they attend detox and rehab.
If parents have exhausted all other options for childcare, and they must attend inpatient rehab, voluntary placement (VPA) in government-run foster care programs may be available in the family’s state of residence. With this option, parents can transfer temporary care and custody of their children to the state’s department of child services. Each state-run program is different, and some programs require the parent to send child support payments to the foster family while they are in rehab. Parents are also required to attend periodic court hearings while attending rehab and utilizing the VPA program.
How can a parent talk to their children about drug rehabilitation?
The best thing a parent can do for themselves and their child is to treat their drug addiction disorder and achieve sobriety. A parent’s drug addiction can be scary and confusing for a child to witness. They may blame themselves for the disorder and think they can change the disease with their behavior. It is critical that parents effectively communicate with their children about addiction, rehab, and that the child is not to blame for what is happening.
Communication will help children understand what’s happening and how to cope with the parent’s absence while they are being treated for the disorder. A few guidelines parents can keep in mind when talking to their children about rehab, and addiction include educating themselves about addiction disorder and rehab. The more a parent knows about the topic, the easier it will be for them to answer their child’s questions. It’s also critical for parents to speak to their child in language and terms they can understand and to pick a time to have the conversation when the child is calm, and there are minimal distractions.
Because children often blame themselves for a parent’s addiction issues, parents must acknowledge their child’s feelings, and apologize for the negative impact their addiction has had on the child. Parents will need to emphasize that the problem is solely their responsibility, and not the child’s and that the child cannot control the adult’s behavior.
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics created a series of guidelines called the Seven C’s to help children cope with a parent’s addiction to drugs or alcohol. The Seven C’s are used to remind children they are not the cause of a parent’s drug abuse, and they also help children cope with addiction in the family.
- I didn’t cause it.
- I can’t cure it.
- I can’t control it.
- I can take better care of myself.
- By communicating my feelings
- Making healthy choices,
- And celebrating me.
How can parents pay for rehab and care for their children?
The cost of childcare and rehab can be a financial hardship for many families. But there are a few options people have to reduce the financial burdens, including:
- Use any remaining paid time off or sick days from work to cover rehab attendance.
- Ask for donations from family and friends.
- Speak to their insurance company about partial or full rehab coverage. Medicaid and Medicare and the Affordable Care Act also offer coverage options for rehab.
- Some employers may offer short-term disability coverage that can pay for part of rehab.
- Treatment centers often have payment plans or financing options for their patients.
Also, creditors and utility companies may be willing to offer extensions on payment dates for those who attend rehab. Many people understand how challenging it can be for people with addiction disorder to attend rehab and achieve sobriety, and are often willing to work with patients to help them complete a treatment program.
If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse issues, it’s never too late to get help. Please contact the representatives at Mission Harbor Behavioral Health today to learn more about their rehab programs and childcare options.
The facilities at Mission Harbor are staffed with trained experts to best assist patients with their mental health issues. We are capable of dealing with any and all cases with a licensed staff, equipment, and approved techniques. Our mission is to help those who want to help themselves, and we support your decision in seeking help.
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